Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Erben & Sarieva pp13-20

Erben, T., Ban, R., Eisenhower, K., Jin, L., and Summers, R. (2008). Using technology
for Foreign Language Instruction: Creative innovations, Research, and Applications. In Erben, T. & Sarieva, I. ( Eds.), CALLing all foreign language teachers: Computer-Assisted language learning in the classroom (pp. 13-20). NY: Cambridge University Press.

The use of technology as a classroom resource was defended, justified and motivating for me as a teacher to read. I felt guilty and surprised, but relieved to see the following statement, “…technology needs to be relocated as the fundamental basis for all of the things we do in the foreign-language classroom (p.13).” Computer assisted language learning’s effect on classroom practices include authentic materials, cooperative learning, and is student centered. The student’s ownership and motivation naturally follow if integration is smooth and inevitable technicalities that come with the territory are prepared for and handled patiently. A needs analysis of students’ computer skills will help in choosing appropriate materials and the organization of learning groups. Needless to say, the teacher’s effectiveness in modeling and supporting language use first is a must. New technologies are inevitable.

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